by teddydmz | Oct 17, 2019 | best day ever, BJ Fogg, bricolage, Contemplation, Convergence, Country Music, discipline, Improv, Ken Burns, Mindfulness, Steven Nachmanovich, Thought-Provokers, Tiny Habits
Lisa Rowland and Ted DesMaisons What if this (and every day) were the best day ever? Finding inspiration from their everyday interactions with others, Ted and Lisa offer up a Monster Baby grab bag of musings and insights. After opening up with a rousing game of...
by teddydmz | Sep 11, 2019 | AIN Applied Improvisation Network, Applied Improvisation, Contemplation, facilitation, Improv, IPSI, Mad Scientist, mango, Mindfulness, NASAGA, OD, organizational development, Sivasailam Thiagarajan, Teaching, Thiagi, Thought-Provokers
Sivasailam “Thiagi” Thiagarajan, renowned facilitator, game maker, and general wizard. “You don’t solve problems in life. You keep reconciling paradoxes.” –Thiagi Every now and then—if you’re lucky—you get to spend time “under a mango tree” in the presence...
by teddydmz | Sep 6, 2019 | + Reinforcement, accountability, accountable, agreement, Buddhism, ethics, Improv, Jakusho Kwong, Mindfulness, Thought-Provokers, washing potatoes
“Check here if you got it done.” Who holds you accountable? Even just a little addition of accountability can make a huge difference in the behavioral choices we make. What the heck makes that work? Given an unexpected gift of time and inspired by an...
by teddydmz | Jul 25, 2019 | Creativity, Girl Scouts, God, Improv, joy, Mindfulness, privilege, rose-colored glasses, sadness, summer camp, Uncategorized
Image courtesy of What happens if you conspire for joy? Joy’s a huge part of improv—and hopefully, a huge part of life. On Monster Baby #65, Ted and Lisa explore the ins and outs of this delicious emotion. They start with a laugh-worthy...
by teddydmz | Jun 29, 2019 | astrology, Clown Neutral, Enneagram, harassment, Improv, Jupiter, Mindfulness, past life, Saturn
When to say yes and when to say no—how do we know? Both improv and mindfulness teach us to say yes to the unfolding story of life. But is that the whole story? On this, Monster Baby podcast episode #64, co-hosts Lisa and Ted explore the tension between the poles of...
by teddydmz | May 26, 2019 | Brené Brown, Coaching, Creativity, Denise Jacobs, faith, Improv, inner critic, Mindfulness, Mindset, Thought-Provokers
Can you quiet your Inner Critic and nourish your Inner Coach? Few things block your creativity more than the nastiness of the voices inside your own head. And it’s true for all of us. On episode #63 of the Monster Baby podcast, Lisa and Ted sit down with creativity...
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