Monster Baby #95 Ensemble! A Conversation with Dan O’Connor, Part One
by teddydmz | Aug 24, 2021 | ensemble, Improbabilities, Improv, listening, loneliness, Los Angeles, Mindfulness, play, Thought-Provokers
A good ensemble can cure the loneliness blues. For Monster Baby episode #95, come join Ted and Lisa for Part 1 of their conversation with improvisor and author Dan O’Connor, celebrating the release of his new book, Ensemble! The Power of Improvisation and Play in a...Monster Baby #24: Get Presence
by teddydmz | Apr 26, 2017 | acronyms, charisma, ensemble, Gratitude, Improv, Mindfulness, Patsy Rodenburg, presence, present, Shakespeare, Theatre
Time to get present, y’all! Celebrating the one-year anniversary of the first Monster Baby podcast, Ted and Lisa offer Episode #24, a deep dive into presence and its role in our lives. A new warm-up creates some crazy acronyms (1:14) before the co-hosts check in about...Recent Posts
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