Monster Baby #20: Adventure Time!
by teddydmz | Jan 5, 2017 | adventure, Argentina, Carol Dweck, football, Improv, Keith Johnstone, Mindfulness, Nope, Quest
For their first podcast of 2017, Lisa and Ted venture into the world of adventure. They demonstrate an adventurous improv game of “What Comes Next?” (1:43), define what they mean by adventure (6:59), and describe why a Keith Johnstone quote (10:07 ) and an exercise...Recent Posts
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- acronyms
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- action
- action movie
- Adam Tobin
- addiction
- Advance-Color-Emotion
- adventure
- African spirituality
- aging
- agreement
- AIN Applied Improvisation Network
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- Alan Watts
- ambient sounds
- ambition
- Amma
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- anxiety
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- apocalypse
- Applied Improvisation
- Applied Improvisation Network
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- attachment
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- auto-fill
- autopilot
- average
- awkwardness
- baby
- baleen whale
- banana bread
- Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
- BATS Improv
- Be Average
- beats
- Beautiful Anonymous
- Bechdel Test
- Bechtel test
- Bernie Sanders
- best day ever
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- biochemistry
- birth
- BJ Fogg
- blindness
- Blues Traveler
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- body language
- boldness
- Boundaries
- bread
- break-up
- breath
- Brecht
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- bricolage
- buddha
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- Buenos Aires
- Burning Man
- Caduceus
- Cafe Gratitude
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- center of gravity
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- chocolate milk
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- cool
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- Coronovirus
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- Courage
- COVID-19
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- craving
- creation
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- cute
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- dating
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- discovery
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- Double Bounce
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- drama class
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- environment
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- ethics
- Europe
- ex-pat
- expectations
- experiment
- exploration
- explosion
- extroversion
- extrovert
- eye contact
- eyes
- facilitation
- faith
- fame
- Family Systems
- fashion
- Fast Times at Ridgeomont High
- fasting
- feedback
- feminine
- fitler
- five languages of love
- Flamingo
- flow
- focus
- football
- forgiveness
- France
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- freestyle
- Freestyle Love Supreme
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- fun
- future self
- games
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- genius
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- ghosts
- gifts
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- Glacier National Park
- gnomes
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- goldfish
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- Gratitude
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- grief
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- growth mindset
- Haiku
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- identity ball
- image consulting
- imagination
- impermanence
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- Improbabilities
- Improv
- Improv games
- Improv Playhouse of San Francisco
- improv wisdom
- impulse
- Inclusion and Social Justice
- inner critic
- inner judge
- inner voices
- inner whispers
- Inside Out
- Insight Dialogue
- Insight Meditation Society
- inspiration
- intention
- intimacy
- introversion
- introvert
- invention
- isolation
- Jack Kornfield
- Jakusho Kwong
- James Bond
- Jazz
- Jeopardy
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- jigsaw puzzles
- Jill Bernard
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- Josh Radnor
- joy
- joy dots
- Judge Reinhold
- judgment
- juicy
- Jupiter
- Kahlil Gibran
- Kat Koppett
- Keith Johnstone
- KeithJohnstone
- Ken Burns
- Kenn Adams
- kitten
- language
- lasagna
- leadership
- leftovers
- Len Bias
- life choices
- Light up BATS
- limericks
- listening
- Lists
- Liz Gilbert
- Lombard Street
- loneliness
- long form
- Los Angeles
- loss
- love
- Mad Scientist
- magic
- magic space
- Magical Realism
- Maine
- majesty
- mango
- Manhattan
- mantra
- Marianne Williamson
- marriage
- Martin deMott
- masculine
- massage
- Matt Abrahams
- Maui
- Meditation
- Meditator's Dilemma
- memory
- Mere Point
- meta perspective
- mice
- midwife
- Mike Bloomberg
- milking moments
- Mindfulness
- Mindset
- Miscellaneous
- mistakes
- Moments
- monogamy
- monster baby
- Mopco
- moving in
- Mr. Messy
- muse
- museum
- mutuality
- Naikan
- Nativity Scenes
- negative space
- negativity
- Nerf
- nest
- New Choice
- new shell
- non-self
- Nope
- noticing
- observation
- Octopus
- OD
- officiant
- Ontario
- open and honest questions
- opportunity
- organizational development
- painting
- palindromes
- paradox
- parenthood
- parenting
- parents
- Paris
- parking karma
- partnership
- past life
- Patricia Ryan Madson
- Patsy Rodenburg
- Patti Stiles
- pecking order
- performance
- personal history
- Pete Buttigieg
- pharmacy
- pivot
- Pixar
- play
- Playful Mindfulness
- poetry
- poinsettias
- Polaris Lounge
- portfolio
- positive reinforcement
- positive thinking
- positivity
- power
- practice
- praxis
- predictability
- pregnancy
- presence
- present
- president
- Prince and the Pauper
- priorities
- privilege
- process
- projection
- Pronoia
- prunes
- psychoactive drugs
- public speaking
- punishment
- punk rock
- puppet strings
- puzzles
- Quaker
- Quaker Meeting
- Quantified Self
- quarantine
- Queen
- Quest
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Raisin Exercise
- Ramona
- rank
- reactivity
- Reality
- redemption
- redwoods
- refrigerator
- relationship
- Relationships
- Relaxation
- resolution
- resolutions
- resolve
- resourceful
- retreat
- retrospective
- Right Speech
- righteousness
- Rob Brezsny
- Robert Poynton
- romance
- rose-colored glasses
- rubber duck
- rules
- rumination
- rummage party
- sadness
- sand mandala
- Saturn
- Saturn return
- scene starts
- schedules
- science
- Second Circle
- self-focus
- sex robots
- sexual harassment
- Shakespeare
- Shamu
- Shangri-La
- shared control
- sharks
- she persisted
- shelter in place
- silence
- silent retreat
- Simps
- single Mom
- single parent
- Sivasailam Thiagarajan
- skeletons
- skunk
- slowing down
- social justice
- Sound Ball
- speaking
- specifics
- speech
- speed puzzling
- spiritual practice
- Spirituality
- St. Patrick
- St. Theresa
- Stanford
- Stanford Alumni Magazine.
- Stanford Improvisors
- Stanford University
- Star Wars
- statistics
- status
- stereotypes
- Steven Nachmanovich
- Stevie Wonder
- sticky
- Still face experiment
- stillness
- stories
- story
- Story Spine
- storytelling
- strawberries
- strawberry
- stress
- summer camp
- Super Tuesday
- tackle football
- Talisman
- Tanha
- Taoism
- Teaching
- technology
- teetotaler
- tenderness
- tension
- The Crapper
- The Moth
- The Prophet
- Theatre
- TheatreSports
- therapy
- Thiagi
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- think fast talk smart
- This American Life
- Thought-Provokers
- Three Things
- Thrive Academy
- thunderbolt
- tigers
- timing
- Tiny Habits
- TJ Jagodowski
- tongue twisters
- Tonight Show
- trapeze
- turmoil
- Uncategorized
- unicorns
- unscripted
- vaccines
- Valentine's Day
- Viola Spolin
- Virtual Reality
- vision
- Voldemort
- vote counts
- voter registration
- vulnerability
- Wales
- Walt Whitman
- washing potatoes
- wedding
- Wild West
- Wisdom 2.0
- women
- woo woo
- Wordle
- wu wei
- Wurzberg
- yes
- yes and
- yes to life
- yield
- yoga
- Yogi tea
- young people
- Zen koan
- zone
- Zoom
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