What does it mean to be engaged?

Big news from Monster Baby land: Lisa got engaged!

For Episode, #107 she and Ted take the opportunity to explore just what that means—both in a marital sense and in an improv and mindfulness sense. They start by playfully acknowledging some technical difficulties (2:03) before Lisa tells the fun story of her partner’s proposal (3:24). The two dive into the meaning of “engagement” (13:55) and Ted wonders if getting engaged feels like being engaged with life (16:44). Lisa asks when does engagement become too much (19:43) and Ted articulates the practice of listening to inner pulls (21:02). Lisa describes engagement in improv as a heightened receptivity (28:27) and shares an inspirational quote from Brian Andreas (32:15). Ted describes engagement as conscious attention and taking action (38:58) before asking Lisa what she’s finding engaging these days (looking for purpose) (43:37). Lisa turns the tables and Ted talks about the people he’s most drawn to these days (46:44). Referring to another podcast she was on, Lisa mentions the “Curious Advantage” and defines curiosity as the willingness to be changed (49:43). The two mention the need for balance between engagement and disengagement (53:38) and, coming full circle, explore the exciting temporariness of a wedding engagement (54:51). The episode comes to a close with an acknowledgment of a Monster Baby Podcat passing and a host of upcoming offerings from both Ted and Lisa (58:31).

As always, we so appreciate your listening in. If you’re inspired by what you hear and you’d like to let us know about it, please send a note to Ted and Lisa at  info@monsterbabypodast.com. Or let others know about by leaving a quick review on your favorite podcast platform.

To subscribe so you receive immediate notice of future Monster Baby releases, head over to: http://monsterbabypodcast.com.

If you’d like a bit of Monster-Baby-inspired holiday shopping, visit www.playfulmindfulness.info to pick up a copy of Ted’s book Playful Mindfulness: a joyful journey to everyday confidence, calm, and connection.(Ted will surely sign it for you if you like!)





Lisa Rowland and Ted DesMaisons

San Francisco improvisors Ted DesMaisons and Lisa Rowland explore the beautiful, surprising and unruly intersections between mindfulness and improvisation as they seek to befriend that oft-hidden and sometimes scary part of all of us that can lead to a life well-lived.



The post Monster Baby #107 Getting Engaged appeared first on Anima Learning.