What does it mean to make a resolution?

Happy New Year Monster Baby fans! Maybe you’re a person who makes resolutions, maybe you’re not. But we bet you’ll think about ‘em differently if you listen in.

Ted starts the podcast thinking about change in the air (note: when we recorded, we had just gotten first word of the uprising/insurrection/coup attempt in Washington, DC so we weren’t responding so much to that) (2:06). Ted then introduces a new game, “If I Googled You,” in which Lisa talks about majesty and an odd, crude Nativity scene character and Ted discusses an early trip to Disney World (5:47). The pair start exploring the meaning of the word ‘resolution’ (14:52) and wonder what in their lives they might be re-solving (17:30). Lisa chooses her theme for the year (20:08) and Ted names a few contenders for his (25:36). The pair takes a whimsical consideration of the possibilities for being in a new phase of life—a phase that might include cave awnings and pink sea snails (27:25). They discuss the possibility of stirring up new solutions, à la high school chemistry class (36:08) and explore the possibilities of choosing a resolution in the sense of visual clarity (38:12). Lisa speaks about having resolve (45:12) and wonders if there’s a best time to make changes, which Ted asserts might or might not include palindromic calendar dates. (49:04). The Outro concludes the episode with a few last reflections and announcements.

If there’s something in the episode that brings you particular joy—or raises a question—feel free to write Ted and Lisa at info@monsterbabypodcast.com.

To subscribe so you receive immediate notice of future Monster Baby releases, head over to: http://monsterbabypodcast.com.

And lastly, if you’d like a bit of Monster-Baby-inspired reading, slide on over to www.playfulmindfulness.info to pick up a copy of Ted’s book Playful Mindfulness: a joyful journey to everyday confidence, calm, and connection. (Ted will surely sign it for you if you like!)





Lisa Rowland and Ted DesMaisons

San Francisco improvisors Ted DesMaisons and Lisa Rowland explore the beautiful, surprising and unruly intersections between mindfulness and improvisation as they seek to befriend that oft-hidden and sometimes scary part of all of us that can lead to a life well-lived.


The post Monster Baby #89 Talkin’ ‘Bout a Resolution appeared first on Anima Learning.