Ted and Lisa are working the levers of status: who’s got it, how it’s communicated, how we get good at playing with it—and more. On this, the Monster Baby Podcast’s 2nd birthday, our intrepid pair starts by giving away a scholarship slot for their upcoming Mindful Play, Playful Mind retreat (1:43) and then by getting into Keith Johnstone’s work around status (4:13). Lisa makes sure to counter the notion that “high status equals good status” (9:36) and the two play a game of one upsmanship and one downsmanship as an example (11:47). Lisa brings in a provocative question from one of her Stanford improv students (15:40) and Ted notes how we’re both experts and non-experts when it comes to this stuff (20:57). They together run through some of the many levers of status (22:15) and discus the ways in which status can get bestowed by others (28:24). The conversation loops back around to link status considerations more explicitly to mindfulness (32:49) before Ted outline the distinctions between status, rank, power, and esteem (37:13). Both advocate for developing flexibility and fluidity with status for a full range of expression (44:31) and when Lisa notes the gift of attention, the conversation leads into the five languages of love (47:38). The episode closes with two final questions: once we know all this then what? (50:40), and can we go too far with all monitoring status in our lives (57:51). It’s a longer episode than usual, but it’s packed with good stuff—we hope you enjoy!


For more information on the Mindful Play, Playful Mind retreat coming up June 11th to 15th, 2018 in Santa Cruz, please visit the retreat’s web page: www.animalearning.com/monsterbabyretreat).


As always, please send a note, question, or comment if you feel so inspired: info@monsterbabypodcast.com.


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San Francisco improvisors Ted DesMaisons and Lisa Rowland explore the beautiful, surprising and unruly intersections between mindfulness and improvisation as they seek to befriend that oft-hidden and sometimes scary part of all of us that can lead to a life well-lived.

The post Monster Baby #44 What’s Your Status? appeared first on Anima Learning.